Feeling you’re not doing enough Italian?

Try this out

thinking about language learning and not feeling enough with Italian

Island of Skye, Scotland

  • What if you could be more consistent with your Italian?

  • What if you could find time to do it all - working, travelling, spending time wit family and friends, and learning a language?

  • What if you could always be enthusiastic about Italian?

  • What if you could speak fluently just absorbing information?

Let me tell you that those thoughts are normal, and I've them too when it comes to my French.

But they are blocking you from improving at your own time and pace.

Because they make you feel that you're not enough. That you're not studying enough, you're not spending enough time with Italian, you're not enthusiastic enough, and you're not speaking enough.

So it's time to change the way you speak to yourself and see things under a different perspective: what about...

🔅 Finding time for myself wasn't easy as life always happens, but I've managed to learn some new words and speak to myself in Italian

🔅 I know there are ups and downs when it comes to learning a language, so it's ok to reject it some days, and absolutely love it some others

🔅 Speaking the language fluently takes time, but I don't care because I'm enjoying the journey and don't aim to be perfect

Try to repeat these affirmations out loud in Italian to see how they make you feel:

What about you?

* How do you feel about your Italian right now?

* Is there anything you'd like to change in the why you study or approach the language?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, you can comment this post or send me a message here

Un caro saluto,



Where do you wanna go?


Language blackouts are normal, It’s not You