3 ideas to use your Italian this month
It’s so hard to find time to practice another language sometimes.
That’s why it’s very important to know what to do in Italian once you sit down to practice.
You don’t want to waste precious time looking for material and things to do, do you?
Here you can find 3 things to practice your Italian this month.
1️⃣ READING: Come una notte a Bali by Gianluca Gotto
A book about travel and change, a book that allows you to dream and understand if you are doing the right things in your life, a book where the main character dared to make a difficult life choice to pursue his own happiness.
This book spoke to me deeply, because I also chose to leave a 'perfect' life in Milan to travel and discover the world. That was 2019 and I am still doing it. You can read more about my travels @ mignontravels.com
2️⃣ WRITING: The first six months of 2023
Writing your memoirs and thoughts freely helps you make new connections in your head and use Italian to talk about real emotions and things.
Take your diary and journal about one good thing that happened to you for each month (January, February, March, April, May and June).
Use these questions:
What good thing happened in [month]? Cos’è successo di bello in [mese]?
Why is it such a nice memory? Perché è un ricordo così bello?
What emotions does it arouse in me? Che emozioni mi suscita / da / fa provare?
Was I alone or did I share this beautiful thing with someone? Ero da sola/o oppure ho condiviso questa cosa bella con qualcuno?
3️⃣ LISTEN AND SPEAK: Be Yourself in Italian by Giulia Borelli
A collection of 5 workbooks I created to help you find your voice in Italian.
Each workbook has:
1 podcast + photos + texts + questions to practice
44 pages to help you explore yourself, Italy, history, cooking, travel
44 pages of emotions in Italian
to help you find the right words in your head and go further with your Italian
You can buy it here for only $24.90
An investment that will also save you a lot of time when you're thinking "what am I doing in Italian today?"
Feel free to share some thoughts from 2️⃣ in the comments!
Un caro saluto,